Tuesday 10 August 2010

hot bread kitchen pizza...hmmm

WHY I have only just discovered the title of this post I do not know. but on my wonderings around honiara today i made a standard visit to said kitchen and they had PIZZA!! and its amazing, and cheap. and makes for a much more exciting lunch than cheese and crackers (which, by the way, have become part of my staple diet!).

Placement in the surgical department has improved having stuck with it. Monday afternoon I admitted new patients which made me feel useful, it also led to some very interesting consultations with patients in quarter english, quarter pijin and half gesturing - which when you're trying to ask about breast lumps and bowel habits, can prove to be difficult. It's only when the first patient was laughing hysterically at me that I reliased how it might have looked! haha!
After admissions I scrubbed in for a psoas abscess drainage procedure and got to suture the drain in, the wound etc so I felt I'd had a productive day.

This is my third day in a row on the internet which has caused great excitement for me : ) As has washing my clothes.... IN A WASHING MACHINE!! Never have I been quite so thrilled to wash my clothes; whites were becoming greys, darks becoming white. And the smell...well. (joke) One of the guys that we've become good friends with lives in a very posh hotel apartment with a washer and tumble dryer. So Alex and I took all our washing round in bulk and spent the night putting on loads! We ended up there untill quite late and having consumed several bottles of red, we ended up in the hotel pool at ridiculous hours in the morning. Security weren't impressed! Oops!

The next day I wasn't feeling great....

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